fredag 7 januari 2011

Dollar, silver och vilda spekulationer

Om Dollarn har ork att gasa ifrån 80,83 ser den ut att bege sig mot 200 DMA någonstans runt 81,70. Blah blah.

Harvey Organ påpekar:

"The confirmed volume yesterday was a monstrous 87,462 contracts.  To give you  an idea as to quantity of oz, 87,462 contracts equals  437.3 milllion oz.  The world (without China) produces around 600 million oz  or roughly 72.8% of worldly production.  China has decided not to export any of their silver.  If you include China's 89 million oz then the total world production is around 690 million and thus today's volume equates to  63.3% of worldly production."

I denna tråd på yahoo finance kan man läsa följande som nog skall ses som skvaller och rykten (Skvaller och rykten är väl skoj att gotta sig i ibland?):

"In an earnest effort to help as many silver longs as I can I will relay information as I know it.

Major hedge fund traders are going to be buying hundreds of millions of dollars of March contracts during the last 3 weeks of February. The strategy is simple-force Comex to pay a hefty premium on contracts that CANNOT be delivered. Will this work? It worked like a charm in December. Those guys were all kicking themselves because they should have bought 10 times the amount of contract that they actually had in December.

This time around, they are getting everyone they know to get involved in this trade. They will pool their money together in order to get a large number of contracts so that Comex will not be available to deliver-thus forcing a hefty premium. These former traders are gonna pull a train on Blythe with all their hedge fund buddies and there is not a thing Blythe can do about it.


These traders have gotten word in the last 48 hours, that Blythe and The Morgue is about to undertake a major raid on GOLD in the hopes that silver will sell off too. Therefore, these traders are advising their colleagues to refrain from buying March silver contracts unless silver breaks $31 again. Their understanding is that Blythe cannot effectivley execute a silver selloff but Blythe and The Morgue can still execute an effective GOLD SELLOFF.

If and when this GOLD selloff comes, scheduled for this Friday or perhaps next week at the latest, Blythe is hoping that gold will break $1300 and go as far down as $1250. Blythe will be short selling intermitently in the silver pit but her main goal is to cover as many silver contracts as possible.

Once this Gold induced selloff is done watch for the mother of all rally in the silver pit. The hedge funds will be buying like crazy, but the MAIN assault will not take place until February wheren these former traders expect a rise of at least $10 (which was what happened to silver from October going into December).

December was just a dry run (RAID) on the Comex. The success and ease of that RAID has emboldened these traders to re-try the same scheme with a lot more money this go around (March delivery). The only defense Blythe has is to engineer a GOLD SELLOFF in the next two weeks in order to suppress silver so that she can cover her SILVER contracts.

So yes, I am very bullish on silver since I know that Comex cant deliver this March, but am expecting a selloff from a gold induced intervention.

I have been tasked by Blythe's former traders to spread the word about the fact that there is not enough physical silver in the world to cover The Morgue's short contracts. That is my role.

I hope this has been helpful.

You're going home in a body bag, do-da, do-da...."

Skvaller och rykten som sagt.

 Hej och Hå has left the building.

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