söndag 19 juni 2011

Just my little rant about how people need to wake up and understand that Bitcoin is our chance to revolution. Feel free to share.

Det stog feel free to share, så jag gör det.

It's always the same story. So much talking and bitching, yet so little action to make things change!
People bitch ALL THE TIME against the governments and banks, how bad and how much of a scam they are, etc. And then when we FINALLY offer them a concrete alternative, something that is already here and that COULD work for all of us, they just shit on it and bitch about how much of a scam it must be, how it will miserably FAIL and all that pessimistic stuff.
If we decide that it will fail, and reject it before even giving it a chance, well then yes OF COURSE it will fail. I think the concept of Bitcoin is brilliant, but I'm saddened by all the negative things I already read about it. Why don't we just all give it a try and see, instead of snobbing it right away? No need to invest huge sums into it, but why not all give it a try, do some small exchanges, etc, and see if it eventually takes off and become big? Things like MP3s, Linux, Firefox and Torrents took off, because people embraced it and started using it massively and spreading the love about it. The same could be true for Bitcoin. But If you just reject it right away thinking that it will inevitably fail, well then yes, of course it will!!!
But then after it does (fail), don't come back to us and bitch against banks and how evil they are and how we need to take them down and everything. You had your chance to do just that and you blew it... :-P
Another pessimistic thing I often hear is how it will be made "illegal" by "official" authorities, or how mainstream sites will never adopt it. That's possible, but even then so what? Why can't we start a NEW parallel economy on its own and make it OURS? Screw Amazon, Paypal and eBay if they don't want to support Bitcoins. We'll simply create new sites to replace them!! People need to learn how to think OUTSIDE of the box! Another world is possible if we all work it out together! It's all up to us to create it.
Revolutions don't just happen when people don't do anything folks!!!


Tyck vad ni vill om bitcoin, men en poäng har han ju.

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