torsdag 30 juni 2011
Sexroboten Roxxxy, din för $7000
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Thorium: A safer alternative for nuclear power generation?
Kan det finnas fler skäl till att thorium inte används än de som anges i artikeln?
The world's growing need for energy, the limits of our supply of fossil fuels and concern about the effects of carbon emissions on the environment have all prompted interest in the increased use of nuclear power. Yet the very word "nuclear" carries with it an association of fear. People are concerned about the waste produced by reactors, the possibility of catastrophic accidents as highlighted by recent events in Japan and the link between nuclear power and nuclear weapons. Yet what if there existed a means of nuclear power generation with which these risks were drastically reduced?
The answer could be thorium - an element occurring as a silvery metal that's more abundant, cleaner and can produce more bang-per-buck in energy terms than uranium. So how does thorium differ from uranium and plutonium, and why isn't it being used? First, a quick run-down on how nuclear energy works.
The world's growing need for energy, the limits of our supply of fossil fuels and concern about the effects of carbon emissions on the environment have all prompted interest in the increased use of nuclear power. Yet the very word "nuclear" carries with it an association of fear. People are concerned about the waste produced by reactors, the possibility of catastrophic accidents as highlighted by recent events in Japan and the link between nuclear power and nuclear weapons. Yet what if there existed a means of nuclear power generation with which these risks were drastically reduced?
The answer could be thorium - an element occurring as a silvery metal that's more abundant, cleaner and can produce more bang-per-buck in energy terms than uranium. So how does thorium differ from uranium and plutonium, and why isn't it being used? First, a quick run-down on how nuclear energy works.
Volkswagen vs Greenpeace
CO2 och dess effekter(?) på miljön lämnar jag åt någon annan men det här var ganska humoristiskt:
Alla har säkert sett Volkswagens reklam med den lille Lord Vader. Här är svaret från Greenpeace:
Alla har säkert sett Volkswagens reklam med den lille Lord Vader. Här är svaret från Greenpeace:
Världens sämst photoshoppade bild?
Chinese local government officials appear to float above the tarmac. Picture: Huili County Government
IT IS the picture that has the web talking about the wonders of tarmac inspection in south west China - for all the wrong reasons. Huili County Government has become a joke after posting on its website what may be the worst faked picture in history.
The picture shows three local officials inspecting a newly completed highway in China's Sichuan province but the men appear to hovering several centimetres above the tarmac.
Not the Greeks, But Their Creditors Get Bailed Out
Ahhh, the Greeks! Long considered the cradle of Western civilization, Greece is the birthplace of democracy, the founders of Western philosophical thought. The Greeks invented the Olympic Games, literature, political science, and too numerous too enumerate scientific and mathematical principles. The first coin was minted there, as was the university education, and the idea of theater and drama.
What they did not invent was Tragedy, but they are certainly embracing it today.
In that way, the Greeks are not so different than you or I. We Americans socialized the losses of our banks, while being so dumb as to leave the profits privatized. (The worst of both worlds!). Or the Irish, for that matter, who like us and the Greeks, were foolish enough to assume the bad debts of their reckless bankers.
Whenever you hear a Bailout being discussed, look to see who it is that is actually being bailed out.
What they did not invent was Tragedy, but they are certainly embracing it today.
In that way, the Greeks are not so different than you or I. We Americans socialized the losses of our banks, while being so dumb as to leave the profits privatized. (The worst of both worlds!). Or the Irish, for that matter, who like us and the Greeks, were foolish enough to assume the bad debts of their reckless bankers.
Whenever you hear a Bailout being discussed, look to see who it is that is actually being bailed out.
onsdag 29 juni 2011
Greek Ministry of Finance Is Now Burning
All in a day's work for a country whose people have to carry the fat kleptofascists on their backs. Next up: all other institutional buildings. And yes, this is starting to look like May 6. In the meantime, this should be good for another 100 pips in the EURUSD.
Så, någon som vill komma med en gissning om hur många månader det tar innan nästa bailout? Eller hinner Spanien före? Här är iallafall vad Rumpan och Barosso har att säga om saken:
Är det bara jag som tycker att eu:s flagga formad som ett öga är lite störande?
Är det bara jag som tycker att eu:s flagga formad som ett öga är lite störande?
The Selling of the World: Privatization Schemes Proliferate
Kan du se vad som egentligen händer? Finns det en bra svensk översättning till "being robbed blind"?
One of the more revealing elements of the Greek bailout discussions is not that the IMF and European finance ministers want another round of austerity from Greece before providing funding, and not even that banks are being urged to take haircuts or engage in restructuring to accommodate the Greeks. It’s that other element – privatization of state assets – that is the tell here. This is the real extraction from the Greeks, the real shock doctrine scheme at work here. Greece essentially must sell the family silver – their ports, their state-run water supply systems, their utility company, their telephone company – to get out of the mess created largely by the financial crisis and the Great Recession. This deal was already done back in May, and clearly was the most important piece of the puzzle for Greek creditors.
One of the more revealing elements of the Greek bailout discussions is not that the IMF and European finance ministers want another round of austerity from Greece before providing funding, and not even that banks are being urged to take haircuts or engage in restructuring to accommodate the Greeks. It’s that other element – privatization of state assets – that is the tell here. This is the real extraction from the Greeks, the real shock doctrine scheme at work here. Greece essentially must sell the family silver – their ports, their state-run water supply systems, their utility company, their telephone company – to get out of the mess created largely by the financial crisis and the Great Recession. This deal was already done back in May, and clearly was the most important piece of the puzzle for Greek creditors.
Handhacking låter dig spela instrument som ett proffs
Någon kanske skulle påstå att det är enormt spridda ämnen här på bloggen? Ja, det stämmer.
Har du velat lära dig att spela ett instrument men inte haft tid att öva? Nu utvecklas en teknisk lösning som kan ta över din hand och lära dig att spela.
Tekniken heter Possessedhand och utvecklas av Tokyos Universitet i samarbete med Sony Computer Science Laboratories och stimulerar elektriskt musklerna i din arm som styr fingrarna.
Users were able to sense the movement of their hands that this produced, even with their eyes closed. "The user's fingers are controlled without the user's mind," explains Emi Tamaki of the University of Tokyo, who led the research.
Om jag ska vara ärlig tycker jag nog att det här mest låter kusligt och onaturligt.
Har du velat lära dig att spela ett instrument men inte haft tid att öva? Nu utvecklas en teknisk lösning som kan ta över din hand och lära dig att spela.
Tekniken heter Possessedhand och utvecklas av Tokyos Universitet i samarbete med Sony Computer Science Laboratories och stimulerar elektriskt musklerna i din arm som styr fingrarna.
Users were able to sense the movement of their hands that this produced, even with their eyes closed. "The user's fingers are controlled without the user's mind," explains Emi Tamaki of the University of Tokyo, who led the research.
Om jag ska vara ärlig tycker jag nog att det här mest låter kusligt och onaturligt.
tisdag 28 juni 2011
Fire threatens plutonium and uranium release at Los Alamos national laboratory
A raging wildfire is threatening to engulf the Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Los Alamos likely contains more nuclear weapons than any other facility in the world.
As if that weren't bad enough, AP notes:
The anti-nuclear watchdog group Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety, however, said the fire appeared to be about 3 1/2 miles from a dumpsite where as many as 30,000 55-gallon drums of plutonium-contaminated waste were stored in fabric tents above ground. The group said the drums were awaiting transport to a low-level radiation dump site in southern New Mexico.
Lab spokesman Steve Sandoval declined to confirm that there were any such drums currently on the property.
Los Alamos likely contains more nuclear weapons than any other facility in the world.
As if that weren't bad enough, AP notes:
The anti-nuclear watchdog group Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety, however, said the fire appeared to be about 3 1/2 miles from a dumpsite where as many as 30,000 55-gallon drums of plutonium-contaminated waste were stored in fabric tents above ground. The group said the drums were awaiting transport to a low-level radiation dump site in southern New Mexico.
Lab spokesman Steve Sandoval declined to confirm that there were any such drums currently on the property.
Streaming Video From Syntagma Square - First Day Of Greek General Strike
It's time for your daily Syntagma (not to be confused with Stgimata...yet) square live video feed, where things already are starting to have a far more violent tone compared to the primarily peaceful protests so far this year, courtesy of a substantially larger police presence as over 5,000 cops are expected to join the festivities. The protest marks the first day of the previously reported 48 hour general strike which will culminate with tomorrow's decision on the 5 year mid-term austerity plan.
Laurie Santos om människan
Why do we make irrational decisions so predictably? Laurie Santos looks for the roots of human irrationality by watching the way our primate relatives make decisions. A clever series of experiments in "monkeynomics" shows that some of the silly choices we make, monkeys make too.
The monkeys need a bailout!
Otroligt intressant, måste ses!!
The monkeys need a bailout!
Otroligt intressant, måste ses!!
Hur Pi låter
Har du någonsin undrat hur Pi skulle låta om man tonsatte det? Pi, ni vet, konstanten som representerar förhållandet mellan en cirkels omkrets och diameter? Om ni av någon outgrundlig anledning faktiskt skulle vilja höra hur pi låter, kolla videon nedan. Om ni inte blir bortskrämda av detta, kolla in video nummer två, Pi is (still) wrong och lyssna sedan på video nummer tre, What tau sounds like. Om jag blev tvungen att välja så tycker jag nog Tau på något sätt gör sig bättre som musik...
måndag 27 juni 2011
Where Jules Verne Meets Star Wars: GE’s Walking Truck of the 1960s
Via Slashdot:
GE’s Walking Truck was officially called a Cybernetic Anthropmorophous Machine (CAM). According to Chris Hunter, curator at the Schenectady Museum, which is home to some 15,000 GE documents and artifacts, the Army wanted a vehicle that could navigate rough, steep terrain. It had to be able to push through dense vegetation, step over felled trees, and sidle around standing ones, all while nimbly carrying up to a half-ton in men and material.
Den uppmärksamme känner igen konceptet från Star Wars som kom 15 år senare.
GE’s Walking Truck was officially called a Cybernetic Anthropmorophous Machine (CAM). According to Chris Hunter, curator at the Schenectady Museum, which is home to some 15,000 GE documents and artifacts, the Army wanted a vehicle that could navigate rough, steep terrain. It had to be able to push through dense vegetation, step over felled trees, and sidle around standing ones, all while nimbly carrying up to a half-ton in men and material.
Den uppmärksamme känner igen konceptet från Star Wars som kom 15 år senare.
Gillar du hamburgare?
CALLING all fast-food addicts - a human guinea pig is wanted to become the first person in the world to eat a test-tube hamburger.
The burger, made with beef mince grown from stem cells, is less than a year away from being produced, Dutch scientists say. And they believe it could pave the way for eating meat without the need for animals being slaughtered.
The scientists predict that over the next few decades the world's population will increase so quickly that there will not be enough livestock to feed everyone.
As a result, they say, laboratory-grown beef, chicken and lamb could become normal. The scientists are currently developing a burger which will be grown from 10,000 stem cells extracted from cattle, which are then left in the lab to multiply more than a billion times to produce muscle tissue similar to beef. The product is called in vitro meat.
The burger, made with beef mince grown from stem cells, is less than a year away from being produced, Dutch scientists say. And they believe it could pave the way for eating meat without the need for animals being slaughtered.
The scientists predict that over the next few decades the world's population will increase so quickly that there will not be enough livestock to feed everyone.
As a result, they say, laboratory-grown beef, chicken and lamb could become normal. The scientists are currently developing a burger which will be grown from 10,000 stem cells extracted from cattle, which are then left in the lab to multiply more than a billion times to produce muscle tissue similar to beef. The product is called in vitro meat.
Microsoft May Add Eavesdropping To Skype
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office published a Microsoft patent application that reaches back to December 2009 and describes “recording agents” to legally intercept VoIP phone calls.
The “Legal Intercept” patent application is one of Microsoft’s more elaborate and detailed patent papers, which is comprehensive enough to make you think twice about the use of VoIP audio and video communications. The document provides Microsoft’s idea about the nature, positioning and feature set of recording agents that silently record the communication between two or more parties.
The patent was filed well before Microsoft’s acquisition of Skype and there is no reason to believe that the patent was filed with Skype as a Microsoft property in mind. However, the patent mentions Skype explicitly as an example application for this technology and Microsoft may now have to answer questions in which way this patent applies to its new Skype entity and if the technology will become part of Skype.
The “Legal Intercept” patent application is one of Microsoft’s more elaborate and detailed patent papers, which is comprehensive enough to make you think twice about the use of VoIP audio and video communications. The document provides Microsoft’s idea about the nature, positioning and feature set of recording agents that silently record the communication between two or more parties.
The patent was filed well before Microsoft’s acquisition of Skype and there is no reason to believe that the patent was filed with Skype as a Microsoft property in mind. However, the patent mentions Skype explicitly as an example application for this technology and Microsoft may now have to answer questions in which way this patent applies to its new Skype entity and if the technology will become part of Skype.
Gör dina fönster till solpaneler
Pythagoras, ett företag i Kalifornien håller på att utveckla "solfönster" som både kan blockera solljus från att komma in och fungera som solpaneler. Företaget vill inte avslöja kostnaden per Watt med denna lösning men säger att för den typiske konsumenten kommer systemet att betala av sig inom tre till fem år.
The technology is a class of equipment that seeks to replace parts of buildings with solar panels to generate energy. Other possibilities include window awnings and roofing tiles.
The technology is a class of equipment that seeks to replace parts of buildings with solar panels to generate energy. Other possibilities include window awnings and roofing tiles.
E-cat, den grekiska energiboxen
Vid en presskonferens i Aten på torsdagen presenterade det grekiska företaget Defkalion Green Technologies sina kommande produkter baserade på Andrea Rossis energikatalysator – apparaten som möjligen bygger på en hittills okänd kärnreaktion.
Defkalions produkt kallas Hyperion och ska i princip finnas i två varianter – en låda med måtten 55x45x35 centimeter med en värmeeffekt mellan 5 och 30 kilowatt, samt större anläggningar med en effekt mellan 1,15 och 3,45 megawatt.
De ska kunna kombineras med olika typer av turbiner till så kallade CHP-enheter – Combined Heat and Power – som producerar både värme och el. Defkalion uppger att tekniken kan reducera dagens elpris med 90 procent.
En vild och galen spekulation... Har silver något med detta att göra?
Defkalions produkt kallas Hyperion och ska i princip finnas i två varianter – en låda med måtten 55x45x35 centimeter med en värmeeffekt mellan 5 och 30 kilowatt, samt större anläggningar med en effekt mellan 1,15 och 3,45 megawatt.
De ska kunna kombineras med olika typer av turbiner till så kallade CHP-enheter – Combined Heat and Power – som producerar både värme och el. Defkalion uppger att tekniken kan reducera dagens elpris med 90 procent.
En vild och galen spekulation... Har silver något med detta att göra?
Vad facebook är till för
Bli inte arga, det är bara skämt. Eller?
Säkerhetsfirma uppdaterar din facebookstatus när du är bortrest
För inte länge sedan brukade rådet för att slippa inbrott vara att skaffa timers för att slå av och på lampor så att skurkarna skulle tro att någon var hemma. Nu kan du få motsvarande tjänst för fejjan. Precreate Solutions erbjuder nu uppdatering av din fejsbookstatus när du är bortrest.
Company director Gary Jackson claimed that “Putting up a Facebook posting of photographs on a beach to 300-400 ‘friends’ is like leaving an advert on your door to a burglar telling him when you will be out.”
The service will use pre-approved messages, updates and tweets, and then schedule them while the client is away.
Det finns en annan enkel lösning. Ta bort ditt konto? 500 fejjanvänner motsvarar i verkligheten kanske en eller två riktiga vänner. Dessa en eller två har en egendomlig egenskap, de försvinner inte om du stänger ditt konto på fejjan.
Det finns en annan enkel lösning. Ta bort ditt konto? 500 fejjanvänner motsvarar i verkligheten kanske en eller två riktiga vänner. Dessa en eller två har en egendomlig egenskap, de försvinner inte om du stänger ditt konto på fejjan.
IMF - Destroyer of nations?
Den första videon är IMF:s presentation av sig själva. Den andra video är en annan presentation av IMF och The World Bank. Det sista är bara för shits and giggles som jänkarna säger och kan betraktas som helt irrelevant.
Har vi hört den här förut?
Returning to the drachma would mean that on the following day banks would be surrounded by terrified people trying to withdraw their money, the army would have to protect them with tanks because there would not be enough police," said Pangalos.
"There would be riots everywhere, shops would be empty, some people would throw themselves out the window ... And it would also be a disaster for the entire European economy."
Om bankerna inte får som dom vill kommer din katt att dö, grädden i din kyl kommer att bli sur, och solen kommer att slockna.
"There would be riots everywhere, shops would be empty, some people would throw themselves out the window ... And it would also be a disaster for the entire European economy."
Om bankerna inte får som dom vill kommer din katt att dö, grädden i din kyl kommer att bli sur, och solen kommer att slockna.
Corporations are psychopaths - with zero degrees of empathy
Corporations play a big role in our day-to-day activities and they are constantly making decisions that have a profound effect on our daily lives. For example: a corporation makes the decision to empty its chemical vats into a nearby river - the water supply is poisoned and residents of the adjacent town fall sick; or a corporation makes the decision to cut costs to increase profits and initiates a round of layoffs - the community that was formed around the corporation is decimated. We have often been appalled, angry, and go on rants about the evil of corporations but according to Simon Baron Cohen- evil is not the issue.
For instance, we have Monsanto, creators of Agent Orange, DDT, GMO, and a host of other toxic substances that have caused horrific damage and injury to the world on a global scale (
Firestone and their rubber plantations in Liberia which poison the environment, pay slave wages, and leave workers housed in unsanitary conditions (
Nestle and their cocoa plantations in the Cote d'Ivoire which employs children, pays them slave wages, and keeps them living in substandard conditions (
Big Pharma and their concerted efforts to keep us purchasing medicines that either don't work or cause more harm than good (
How about a corporation that has been accused of murdering individuals seeking to form unions to gain fair wages and treatment ( ).
And we have the lovely Chiquita that was actually fined by the U.S. Justice Department for funding a known para military group in Columbia that was infamous for the murder of innocent civilians. (
Is there a criminal housed within any prison in the world or any mental institution that has committed the crimes noted above, whether the answer to that question yes or no, the fact of the matter is not one person involved in making any of the above decisions has served any jail time.
Firestone and their rubber plantations in Liberia which poison the environment, pay slave wages, and leave workers housed in unsanitary conditions (
Nestle and their cocoa plantations in the Cote d'Ivoire which employs children, pays them slave wages, and keeps them living in substandard conditions (
Big Pharma and their concerted efforts to keep us purchasing medicines that either don't work or cause more harm than good (
How about a corporation that has been accused of murdering individuals seeking to form unions to gain fair wages and treatment ( ).
And we have the lovely Chiquita that was actually fined by the U.S. Justice Department for funding a known para military group in Columbia that was infamous for the murder of innocent civilians. (
Is there a criminal housed within any prison in the world or any mental institution that has committed the crimes noted above, whether the answer to that question yes or no, the fact of the matter is not one person involved in making any of the above decisions has served any jail time.
söndag 26 juni 2011
Big Brother set to be in your face - Super spy surveillance network to fight crime
Fungerar kameraövervakning eller flyttar bara brottsligheten dit det inte finns kameror med följden att enbart de som borde få vara ifred blir bevakade?
AUTHORITIES could soon be watching your every move under controversial plans for a Queensland-wide surveillance network equipped with facial recognition technology.
In the ultimate Big Brother crime-fighting tool, the super network of cameras in public spaces would be used to weed out troublemakers and serious offenders by electronically scouring databases of potentially thousands of facial features for a match.
Experts behind an Australian-first trial of the technology in Queensland expect it to lead to a sophisticated public surveillance network enabling facial recognition technology to identify "persons of interest" wherever there was a CCTV camera.
AUTHORITIES could soon be watching your every move under controversial plans for a Queensland-wide surveillance network equipped with facial recognition technology.
In the ultimate Big Brother crime-fighting tool, the super network of cameras in public spaces would be used to weed out troublemakers and serious offenders by electronically scouring databases of potentially thousands of facial features for a match.
Experts behind an Australian-first trial of the technology in Queensland expect it to lead to a sophisticated public surveillance network enabling facial recognition technology to identify "persons of interest" wherever there was a CCTV camera.
Afghans Build Open-Source Internet From Trash
In light of events that occured in the Middle East earlier this year, many worry that in the future, rogue governments could cut off access to the internet as a way to control political "threats."
Douglas Rushkoff has championed the idea that the current corporate-controlled internet is far from the open commons we pretend it is.
"If we have a dream of how social media could restore peer-to-peer commerce, culture, and government, and if the current Internet is too tightly controlled to allow for it, why not build the kind of network and mechanisms to realize it?" Rushkoff asks.
Sounds daunting. And expensive, right? Wrong.
Funded primarily by the personal savings of group members and a grant from the National Science Foundation, residents of Jalalabad have built the FabFi network: an open-source system that uses common building materials and off-the-shelf electronics to transmit wireless ethernet signals across distances of up to several miles.
If they create their own internet in a war torn country, what's our excuse?
Douglas Rushkoff has championed the idea that the current corporate-controlled internet is far from the open commons we pretend it is.
"If we have a dream of how social media could restore peer-to-peer commerce, culture, and government, and if the current Internet is too tightly controlled to allow for it, why not build the kind of network and mechanisms to realize it?" Rushkoff asks.
Sounds daunting. And expensive, right? Wrong.
Funded primarily by the personal savings of group members and a grant from the National Science Foundation, residents of Jalalabad have built the FabFi network: an open-source system that uses common building materials and off-the-shelf electronics to transmit wireless ethernet signals across distances of up to several miles.
If they create their own internet in a war torn country, what's our excuse?
fredag 24 juni 2011
Stacy Herbert om Bitcoin
Most gold and silver bugs claim to be Libertarians and yet here they are on the side of Schumer and law enforcement doing all they can in a Salem Witch Hunt like manner to keep others from freely choosing their own currency. What could so unite goldbugs and Wall Street’s man in the Senate, Chuck Schumer? Or silverbugs with law enforcement?
Trevlig Helg
Vill önska alla det rubriken säger.
"You are standing still and the red devil is flying"
"You are standing still and the red devil is flying"
Popquiz: Vad är "The red devil"?
torsdag 23 juni 2011
Silverfuturist och Davincij15 pratar bitcoin
Se, dom är vänner igen!
Sorry, du är för ful
Förra månaden drabbades av viruset Shrek, döpt efter den fula animerade karaktären. Viruset manipulerade mjukvaran som används för att avgöra om du är vacker nog för att få vara med på beautifulpeople. Effekten av viruset blev att 30000 hemska fulingar kunde ansluta sig trots kravet på skönhet.
"We have to stick to our founding principles of only accepting beautiful people - that's what our members have paid for,"’s Greg Hodge, told The Guardian.
"We can't just sweep 30,000 ugly people under the carpet."
Rättvisa råder nu och fulingarna har kastats ut och viss hjälp erbjudits fulingarna för att bättre kunna hantera att ha blivit utkastade.
"We have to stick to our founding principles of only accepting beautiful people - that's what our members have paid for,"’s Greg Hodge, told The Guardian.
"We can't just sweep 30,000 ugly people under the carpet."
Rättvisa råder nu och fulingarna har kastats ut och viss hjälp erbjudits fulingarna för att bättre kunna hantera att ha blivit utkastade.
Introduktion till Arduino
Om du undrar vad f-n det där Arduino är som jag skriver om ibland, kolla in det här:
Federal Reserve Shipped Billions to Iraq Which Were Then Stolen ... Involved in Other Unsavory Activities
In a 13 month period from May 2003 to June 2004, the Federal Reserve sent nearly $12 billion in cash, mainly in $100 bills from the United States to Iraq. To do that, the Federal Reserve Bank in New York had to pack 281 million individual bills ... onto wooden pallets to be shipped to Iraq. The cash weighed more than 363 tons and was loaded onto C-130 cargo planes to be flown into Baghdad...
Ekonomiska nyheter av och med Mystic
Vill du ha nyheter kring det som kallas ekonomi så tycker jag Mystic gör ett bra dagligt jobb i att sammanfatta saker och ting. Han är värd att kolla in.
Another Exchange Halts Levered OTC Gold And Silver Trading
There you go: it's the extensive fraud that did it. And just as we predicted, this is only the beginning to heard all PM investors into the waiting clutches of the CME's margin demands.
onsdag 22 juni 2011
Att bo i en skåpbil
"What if you were to do the complete opposite of everything you have been programmed to do?"
Har du svamp i diskmaskinen?
We've all opened a household appliance--maybe a dishwasher, washing machine, or coffee maker--and winced at the ensuing smell.
The funk, according to new research published in the British Mycological Society journal Fungal Biology, comes in the form of various types of fungi that are frequently found to be an agent of human disease in compromised and healthy individuals alike.
The funk, according to new research published in the British Mycological Society journal Fungal Biology, comes in the form of various types of fungi that are frequently found to be an agent of human disease in compromised and healthy individuals alike.
Amir Taaki svarar på frågor om bitcoin
Om du är intresserad eller fascinerad av bitcoin, surfa in och läs frågor och svar på slashdot.
Bitcoins: What are they, and how do they work?
Bitcoin is one of the first attempts to create a real-world currency with no governments, no central banks, and no rules
"People in the third world are at the mercy of corrupt governments and banks," says Amir Taaki, co-founder of Bitcoin Consultancy. "Bitcoin can drastically reduce overheads and fight corruption. At present, it's possible to pay up to 23% commission on an international funds transfer. That's not capitalism, that's a corruption of capitalism."
"People in the third world are at the mercy of corrupt governments and banks," says Amir Taaki, co-founder of Bitcoin Consultancy. "Bitcoin can drastically reduce overheads and fight corruption. At present, it's possible to pay up to 23% commission on an international funds transfer. That's not capitalism, that's a corruption of capitalism."
Smell-o-vision, doft-tv
Vi kan nu se tv på enorma skärmar hemma i 3d om vi vill med surroundljud. Här kommer nästa sinnesintryck vid hypnosburktittning. Forskare har nu lyckats bygga en doftmaskin som kan sprida tusentals dofter och är tillräckligt liten för att få plats bakom tv:n. Jag vet inte om jag gillar det här...
Via slashdot:
Via slashdot:
Armband som spårar gamla människor eller autistiska barn
To track down autistic children or senior citizens who may go missing, an Ohio police department is supplying wrist bracelets to its community that — with 911 assistance and cell phone technology — can triangulate the bracelet wearer’s location.
The Rocky River Police Department in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, acquired 15 of the tracking bracelets and demonstrated the technology to its citizens last week. Police Chief Kelly Stillman said Rocky River is the first city in Ohio to offer the bracelets, which are available free of charge (with a monthly activation fee) to those in the community who need them.
The Rocky River Police Department in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, acquired 15 of the tracking bracelets and demonstrated the technology to its citizens last week. Police Chief Kelly Stillman said Rocky River is the first city in Ohio to offer the bracelets, which are available free of charge (with a monthly activation fee) to those in the community who need them.
It will be germanys fault if euro fails
And lastly, the people's realization that they have been deceived for years, and subsequent retaliation against an autocratic monetary regime, is not something that will be blamed on any country or entity. It will be something that will be cherished, and if Germany is seen as the reason for the collapse of the Euro, it will be branded a savior, not a villain.... at least by the non-banking population of Europe.
Varför görs ekonomi så djävla svårt?
Lincoln ställer en viktig fråga. Kolla in här:
Upending Anonymity, These Days the Web Unmasks Everyone
Not too long ago, theorists fretted that the Internet was a place where anonymity thrived.
Now, it seems, it is the place where anonymity dies.
A commuter in the New York area who verbally tangled with a conductor last Tuesday — and defended herself by asking “Do you know what schools I’ve been to and how well-educated I am?” — was publicly identified after a fellow rider posted a cellphone video of the encounter on YouTube. The woman, who had gone to N.Y.U., was ridiculed by a cadre of bloggers, one of whom termed it the latest episode of “Name and Shame on the Web.”
Now, it seems, it is the place where anonymity dies.
A commuter in the New York area who verbally tangled with a conductor last Tuesday — and defended herself by asking “Do you know what schools I’ve been to and how well-educated I am?” — was publicly identified after a fellow rider posted a cellphone video of the encounter on YouTube. The woman, who had gone to N.Y.U., was ridiculed by a cadre of bloggers, one of whom termed it the latest episode of “Name and Shame on the Web.”
"This Is Not A Program to Salvage the [Greek] Economy, It's a Program for Pillage Before Bankruptcy"
The best quote on the Greek parliament's vote of confidence for Prime Minister George Papandreou - and thus his austerity plan:
"This is not a program to salvage the economy, it's a program for pillage before bankruptcy," said Alexis Tsipras, head of the small opposition Left Coalition.
Håll Dig Alltid Till Cykelbanan
Kolla in på Vidsynts blogg varför du ALLTID måste hålla dig på cykelbanan.
The engineering guy förklarar fiberoptik
Government survives vote; protesters chant insults
Greece's embattled government on Wednesday survived a confidence vote crucial to avoiding a sovereign default, as thousands of protesters chanted insults outside parliament.
The assembly voted confidence in the government, reshuffled by Prime Minister George Papandreou to stiffen resolve behind a painful new austerity programme, by 155 votes to 143 with two abstentions. All Papandreou's Socialist Party deputies voted solidly with the government.
"If we are afraid, if we throw away this opportunity, then history will judge us very harshly," Papandreou said in a final appeal for support before the vote.
Kanada rullar ut plastpengar
Benefits For You
Polymer notes carry benefits that you’ll appreciate as you make those basic transactions of everyday life.- Secure:Their leading-edge security features are easy to verify and hard to counterfeit.
- Durable:They last at least 2.5 times longer than paper notes, reducing processing and replacement costs and environmental impact.
- Innovative:The detailed metallic imagery carried in a transparent area of the notes makes for one-of-a-kind currency.
- Easy to Handle:The new notes feel different from paper notes, but are just as simple to use.
tisdag 21 juni 2011
Fear of terror makes people stupid
-- You are 17,600 times more likely to die from heart disease than from a terrorist attack
-- You are 12,571 times more likely to die from cancer than from a terrorist attack
-- You are 11,000 times more likely to die in an airplane accident than from a terrorist plot involving an airplane
-- You are 1048 times more likely to die from a car accident than from a terrorist attack
--You are 404 times more likely to die in a fall than from a terrorist attack
-- You are 87 times more likely to drown than die in a terrorist attack
-- You are 13 times more likely to die in a railway accident than from a terrorist attack
--You are 12 times more likely to die from accidental suffocation in bed than from a terrorist attack
--You are 9 times more likely to choke to death on your own vomit than die in a terrorist attack
--You are 8 times more likely to be killed by a police officer than by a terrorist
--You are 8 times more likely to die from accidental electrocution than from a terrorist attack
-- You are 6 times more likely to die from hot weather than from a terrorist attack
Nigel Farage: Greace must be allowed to default
Listen to Borges state: "We really believe that many of the current problems result from incomplete integration. In the process of developing monetary union like the United States, which is a fully integrated monetary union, you have obstacles that magnify the problem." What he seems to forget is that final fiscal and monetary union in the US only happened after the then bloodiest war in history, in a country that was already united by language law and customs. It is extraordinary that the IMF is suggesting that this economic crisis is in any way synonymous with what was happening in the US in the 1840s. The only slavery here is of the people to the Eurocrats dream. For without democratic control, we are left with something akin to slavery.
Nokia n950 developer handset
Färskt från engadget. Dom N950:s som säljs kommer att levereras med betakvalitet, ingen garanti och ingen support. Suck. N900 ett tag till då.
Nokia n9 Meego
Se där! Nokias första meegotelefon har visats! Presentationen här har nog låtit sig inspirerats lite för mycket av apple, dom har mer eller mindre plankat Steve Jobs sätt att alltid bara använda superlativ vid beskrivning av produkten. Ibland påminner det nästan om Jediriddarnas sätt att använda Jedi mind tricks, "These are NOT the droids you are looking for", men istället inbilla alla åhörare att allt är nytt, det mest fantastiska som finns, etc. Nåja. Jag gillar meego, men telefonen i sig gjorde mig lite besviken. Jag är en av dom som använder telefonen som dator och anser därför ett riktigt tangentbord vara ett måste. Förutom det verkar det ju lovande.
Jag är trött på expressen
Jag förstår inte riktigt vad Ulf Nilsson menar här. Efter nedanstående rader ändrar han sig och säger att flertalet greker är hederliga och att det är politikernas fel. Inte ett ord om att ingen egentligen vill ha den förbannade Euron eller eu. Inte ett ord om finansparasiter som köper upp europa för pennies on the dollar, ingenting om att alternativet sparka ut parasiterna ens finns? Eller skämtar karln? Rätta mig om ni förstår vad han menar annorlunda.
Jag är trött på grekerna...
Grekerna är världens falskspelare. De äter, dricker ouzo, flinar, tjafsar och sitter på fik. Jobbar gör de så lite som möjligt. I stället lever de på pengar - astronomiska summor! - som deras regering lånar av banker, pensions- bolag och internationella institutioner. Utan tvivel hjälper Du - ja, just Du! - till att subventionera grekerna, åtminstone indirekt. Dessutom är det likadant med portugiser, irländare, spanjorer och i någon mån italienare. Alla lever de över sina tillgångar och har ändå fräckheten att vilja ha bidrag från oss hårt arbetande, högskatteplågade knegare i andra länder. Alla ska helt enkelt ha lika, oavsett den egna insatsen...
Jag är trött på grekerna...
Grekerna är världens falskspelare. De äter, dricker ouzo, flinar, tjafsar och sitter på fik. Jobbar gör de så lite som möjligt. I stället lever de på pengar - astronomiska summor! - som deras regering lånar av banker, pensions- bolag och internationella institutioner. Utan tvivel hjälper Du - ja, just Du! - till att subventionera grekerna, åtminstone indirekt. Dessutom är det likadant med portugiser, irländare, spanjorer och i någon mån italienare. Alla lever de över sina tillgångar och har ändå fräckheten att vilja ha bidrag från oss hårt arbetande, högskatteplågade knegare i andra länder. Alla ska helt enkelt ha lika, oavsett den egna insatsen...
Fuck Facebook
"It's really gotten to a point where I know pretty much what my friends are going to post. They usually just write the same thing over and over again, and I am getting sick of that."
Joshua DeRosa, a Salt Lake City graphic artist and former Facebook user, agrees.
"I don't need to see pics or hear updates about people's babies," he says. "I know what babies look like, and while you might think what Junior did was the cutest thing ever, I couldn't care less."
Joshua DeRosa, a Salt Lake City graphic artist and former Facebook user, agrees.
"I don't need to see pics or hear updates about people's babies," he says. "I know what babies look like, and while you might think what Junior did was the cutest thing ever, I couldn't care less."
Micro Hydro Electric Power
Jag vet, det låter som tvshops senaste produkt, men det är mer spännande än så. Iallafall om man har tillgång till ett vattendrag någonstans.
Möt mannen som rånade en bank för att få sjukvård i fängelset
Richard James Verone hade problem med hälsan och behövde sjukvård. För att få det stegade han in på en bank och lämnade över en lapp till kassörskan där han krävde en dollar (!). Lugnt och stilla satte han sig sedan ner och inväntade polisen.
"Om du inte har din hälsa har du ingenting" sa Verone.
En person kommenterade artikeln med:
This is fucking sad. Fucking sad situation happening to this country.....Rich don't care, Politicians don't care, The Poor haven't saved and Middle class lives from paycheck to paycheck. No Jobs and remaining left are being shipped overseas everyday. Politicians are chilling making 200k a year and tweeting their meat or playing golf, and having a merry summer.
I mean, this guy's situation says it all
"Om du inte har din hälsa har du ingenting" sa Verone.
En person kommenterade artikeln med:
This is fucking sad. Fucking sad situation happening to this country.....Rich don't care, Politicians don't care, The Poor haven't saved and Middle class lives from paycheck to paycheck. No Jobs and remaining left are being shipped overseas everyday. Politicians are chilling making 200k a year and tweeting their meat or playing golf, and having a merry summer.
I mean, this guy's situation says it all
Bygg ditt eget vindkraftverk!
För den som gillar att bygga saker själv, varför inte prova att bygga ett litet vindkraftverk hemma?
Several years ago I bought some remote property in Arizona. I am an astronomer and wanted a place to practice my hobby far away from the sky-wrecking light pollution found near cities of any real size. I found a great piece of property. The problem is, it's so remote that there is no electric service available. That's not really a problem. No electricity equals no light pollution. However, it would be nice to have at least a little electricity, since so much of life in the 21st century is dependent on it.
Several years ago I bought some remote property in Arizona. I am an astronomer and wanted a place to practice my hobby far away from the sky-wrecking light pollution found near cities of any real size. I found a great piece of property. The problem is, it's so remote that there is no electric service available. That's not really a problem. No electricity equals no light pollution. However, it would be nice to have at least a little electricity, since so much of life in the 21st century is dependent on it.
måndag 20 juni 2011
US nuke regulators weaken safety rules
Problem med kärnkraftverk? Inga problem, vi ändrar reglerna så att inga problem finns.
Examples abound. When valves leaked, more leakage was allowed — up to 20 times the original limit. When rampant cracking caused radioactive leaks from steam generator tubing, an easier test of the tubes was devised, so plants could meet standards.
Failed cables. Busted seals. Broken nozzles, clogged screens, cracked concrete, dented containers, corroded metals and rusty underground pipes — all of these and thousands of other problems linked to aging were uncovered in the AP's yearlong investigation. And all of them could escalate dangers in the event of an accident.
Examples abound. When valves leaked, more leakage was allowed — up to 20 times the original limit. When rampant cracking caused radioactive leaks from steam generator tubing, an easier test of the tubes was devised, so plants could meet standards.
Failed cables. Busted seals. Broken nozzles, clogged screens, cracked concrete, dented containers, corroded metals and rusty underground pipes — all of these and thousands of other problems linked to aging were uncovered in the AP's yearlong investigation. And all of them could escalate dangers in the event of an accident.
Malware Theft of Bitcoins a False Flag to Discredit Revolutionary Currency?
Breaking News! A man leaves wallet unattended, it gets stolen. Senate to ban wallets to protect citizens from theft.
This is the boring story of some dude who got jacked because he forgot to lock his door. The interesting part has to do with what got stolen and who, besides the thief, may benefit from such an event. I'm referring to the recently hyped Bitcoin heist of $500K-worth of BTC by malware that reportedly harvests private passwords in personal computers.
This is the boring story of some dude who got jacked because he forgot to lock his door. The interesting part has to do with what got stolen and who, besides the thief, may benefit from such an event. I'm referring to the recently hyped Bitcoin heist of $500K-worth of BTC by malware that reportedly harvests private passwords in personal computers.
Skoj: Windows Vista Install
Jag kan inte låta bli. Bakom den där killens ganska humoristiska uppsyn bubblar någonting jag känner väl igen. Den där ilskan och frustrationen som enbart Microsoft kan framkalla. Jag ska inte klaga för mycket på dom, vem vet, kanske kommer dom en dag på någonting värdefullt?
För den som har tråkigt på jobbet så vill jag verkligen att ni provar windows RG (really good edition). Det går att testa och klicka runt och skaffa sig en uppfattning om här, (tryck på run WinRG flash demo):
För den som har tråkigt på jobbet så vill jag verkligen att ni provar windows RG (really good edition). Det går att testa och klicka runt och skaffa sig en uppfattning om här, (tryck på run WinRG flash demo):
Terminator, here we come! Nåja, en bit på vägen iallafall...
We may not yet have the liquid metal depicted in the Terminator movies, but scientists have now developed something that's vaguely along the same lines. German materials scientist Dr. Jörg Weißmüller and Chinese research scientist Hai-Jun Jin have created a metallic material that can change back and forth between being strong but brittle and soft but malleable, via electrical signals.
The metals used in the material are typically precious ones, such as gold or platinum. They are placed in an acidic solution, which causes minute pores to form within them - in other words, they start corroding. Those pores are then impregnated with a conductive liquid, such as saline solution or diluted acid.
The metals used in the material are typically precious ones, such as gold or platinum. They are placed in an acidic solution, which causes minute pores to form within them - in other words, they start corroding. Those pores are then impregnated with a conductive liquid, such as saline solution or diluted acid.
Hejdå Skype
Såfort Microsoft rör vid något är det som att ge det en kiss of death. Ibland är det medvetet, ibland för att Microsoft är ett rent skämt och ALDRIG kan göra någonting rätt. Nu är det väl Skypes tur då. Jag tänker iallafall inte använda det mer av ren princip. Kalla mig tjurskallig om ni vill.
The U.S. Federal Trade Commission said today that it has approved Microsoft’s $8.5 billion cash takeover of voice and video-over-IP provider Skype. Microsoft officially announced its intent to acquire Skype back on May 10 and, since then, users have been taking to Twitter to blame Microsoft for Skype’s intermittent service. The criticism, at least in that sense, has been a bit preemptive. At least, it seems, until today. Now, with Reuters report that there has been antitrust approval of the deal, users shall soon be able to turn to Microsoft when asking questions of Skype’s sometimes-spotty service.
The U.S. Federal Trade Commission said today that it has approved Microsoft’s $8.5 billion cash takeover of voice and video-over-IP provider Skype. Microsoft officially announced its intent to acquire Skype back on May 10 and, since then, users have been taking to Twitter to blame Microsoft for Skype’s intermittent service. The criticism, at least in that sense, has been a bit preemptive. At least, it seems, until today. Now, with Reuters report that there has been antitrust approval of the deal, users shall soon be able to turn to Microsoft when asking questions of Skype’s sometimes-spotty service.
Another Broker Halts Trading In Gold And Silver Products
CMC Markets, a broker out of Australia which offers Contracts For Difference (CFDs), has just formally joined the increasingly larger group headed by (discussed on Saturday) which is now advising customers that gold and silver trading will be prohibited in a month.
söndag 19 juni 2011
QUICK GREECE UPDATE: There Are Weird Reports About The Bailout Falling Apart
A quick update on Greece, the only story that matters...
Just my little rant about how people need to wake up and understand that Bitcoin is our chance to revolution. Feel free to share.
Det stog feel free to share, så jag gör det.
It's always the same story. So much talking and bitching, yet so little action to make things change!
People bitch ALL THE TIME against the governments and banks, how bad and how much of a scam they are, etc. And then when we FINALLY offer them a concrete alternative, something that is already here and that COULD work for all of us, they just shit on it and bitch about how much of a scam it must be, how it will miserably FAIL and all that pessimistic stuff.
If we decide that it will fail, and reject it before even giving it a chance, well then yes OF COURSE it will fail. I think the concept of Bitcoin is brilliant, but I'm saddened by all the negative things I already read about it. Why don't we just all give it a try and see, instead of snobbing it right away? No need to invest huge sums into it, but why not all give it a try, do some small exchanges, etc, and see if it eventually takes off and become big? Things like MP3s, Linux, Firefox and Torrents took off, because people embraced it and started using it massively and spreading the love about it. The same could be true for Bitcoin. But If you just reject it right away thinking that it will inevitably fail, well then yes, of course it will!!!
But then after it does (fail), don't come back to us and bitch against banks and how evil they are and how we need to take them down and everything. You had your chance to do just that and you blew it... :-P
Another pessimistic thing I often hear is how it will be made "illegal" by "official" authorities, or how mainstream sites will never adopt it. That's possible, but even then so what? Why can't we start a NEW parallel economy on its own and make it OURS? Screw Amazon, Paypal and eBay if they don't want to support Bitcoins. We'll simply create new sites to replace them!! People need to learn how to think OUTSIDE of the box! Another world is possible if we all work it out together! It's all up to us to create it.
Revolutions don't just happen when people don't do anything folks!!!
Tyck vad ni vill om bitcoin, men en poäng har han ju.
People bitch ALL THE TIME against the governments and banks, how bad and how much of a scam they are, etc. And then when we FINALLY offer them a concrete alternative, something that is already here and that COULD work for all of us, they just shit on it and bitch about how much of a scam it must be, how it will miserably FAIL and all that pessimistic stuff.
If we decide that it will fail, and reject it before even giving it a chance, well then yes OF COURSE it will fail. I think the concept of Bitcoin is brilliant, but I'm saddened by all the negative things I already read about it. Why don't we just all give it a try and see, instead of snobbing it right away? No need to invest huge sums into it, but why not all give it a try, do some small exchanges, etc, and see if it eventually takes off and become big? Things like MP3s, Linux, Firefox and Torrents took off, because people embraced it and started using it massively and spreading the love about it. The same could be true for Bitcoin. But If you just reject it right away thinking that it will inevitably fail, well then yes, of course it will!!!
But then after it does (fail), don't come back to us and bitch against banks and how evil they are and how we need to take them down and everything. You had your chance to do just that and you blew it... :-P
Another pessimistic thing I often hear is how it will be made "illegal" by "official" authorities, or how mainstream sites will never adopt it. That's possible, but even then so what? Why can't we start a NEW parallel economy on its own and make it OURS? Screw Amazon, Paypal and eBay if they don't want to support Bitcoins. We'll simply create new sites to replace them!! People need to learn how to think OUTSIDE of the box! Another world is possible if we all work it out together! It's all up to us to create it.
Revolutions don't just happen when people don't do anything folks!!!
Tyck vad ni vill om bitcoin, men en poäng har han ju.
As Patrick Gray said, “LulzSec is running around pummelling some of the world’s most powerful organisations into the ground… for laughs! For lulz! For shits and giggles! Surely that tells you what you need to know about computer security: there isn’t any.” That’s why I’m angry. I’m angry because we have vested our trust in corporations and governments to secure their systems — many of which hold our personal information, or perform vital functions that affect our lives — and our trust has been breached.
Perfekt öl varje gång
Hej och Hå gillar öl och kreativ användning av teknik. Därför gillar han detta:
Libya: Barack Obama 'overruled top legal advice'
The War Powers Resolution of 1973 states Congress must authorise participation in hostilities longer than 60 days, although the president can seek a 30-day extension.
Members of Congress have accused Mr Obama of violating that law since 20 May, when the 60-day deadline ended. Sunday marks 90 days since the US joined the Nato-led no-fly zone mission over Libya.
In a 32-page document delivered to Congress this week, the White House said that US forces involved in the Nato campaign were merely playing a supporting role.
That role, it said, did not match the definition of "hostilities" as described under the War Powers Resolution of 1973.
"US military operations are distinct from the kind of 'hostilities' contemplated by the resolution's 60-day termination provision," it said.
Members of Congress have accused Mr Obama of violating that law since 20 May, when the 60-day deadline ended. Sunday marks 90 days since the US joined the Nato-led no-fly zone mission over Libya.
In a 32-page document delivered to Congress this week, the White House said that US forces involved in the Nato campaign were merely playing a supporting role.
That role, it said, did not match the definition of "hostilities" as described under the War Powers Resolution of 1973.
"US military operations are distinct from the kind of 'hostilities' contemplated by the resolution's 60-day termination provision," it said.
Mer hmm... Trading Of Over The Counter Gold And Silver To Be Illegal Beginning July 15
Det är kanske dubbelhmm på detta? Jag måste säga att det här låter oerhört märkligt. Vi får väl se vad det får för effekter.
lördag 18 juni 2011
Det är väl kanske inga nyheter, men många har mycket att lära/förstå. Måste läsas!
Det är väl kanske inga nyheter, men många har mycket att lära/förstå. Måste läsas!
fredag 17 juni 2011
Certifierat guld? Hmm...
In what could be the oddest development in the precious metals market in a long time, the World Gold Council has just unveiled an initiative whose sole purpose if to combat "conflict gold." From the just released notice: "The World Gold Council today announces that, working together with its member companies and the leading gold refiners, it has produced a draft framework of standards designed to combat gold that enables, fuels or finances armed conflict. The draft standards represent a significant, industry-led response to this challenge and are designed to enable miners to produce a stream of newly-mined gold which is certified as ‘conflict free’ on a global basis." While we are confused what exactly is being pursued with this action, aside from the creation of a black market for gold of course, it does seem that the logical end result will be a decline in the total supply of "certified" gold.
Vad är det riktiga syftet med detta? Att skilja elitens guld från ditt och mitt och motivera att deras guld är värt mer än vårt? Något annat förslag?
Vad är det riktiga syftet med detta? Att skilja elitens guld från ditt och mitt och motivera att deras guld är värt mer än vårt? Något annat förslag?
Hjälp sökes!
Om det finns någon vänlig kreativ själ händig i photoshop eller liknande som har tid över att döda så skulle jag vilja allra ödmjukast be om hjälp att fixa en bild som ersätter den otroligt intetsägande "Spring med saxen" texten längst upp på bloggen. Jag är helt totalt oduglig när det gäller sånt här, mycket kan jag men inte sånt.
Någon? Plz?
Någon? Plz?
Bill Warren tänker försöka hitta Bin Ladens kropp
Hej och Hå säger, lycka till.
Eccentric treasure hunter Bill Warren intends to find the body of Osama Bin Laden in the North Arabian Sea using sonar and a remotely operated vehicle. If he finds the remains, he'll photograph them to confirm Bin Laden's death to the world. Can you find a human body in the ocean using sonar?
Eccentric treasure hunter Bill Warren intends to find the body of Osama Bin Laden in the North Arabian Sea using sonar and a remotely operated vehicle. If he finds the remains, he'll photograph them to confirm Bin Laden's death to the world. Can you find a human body in the ocean using sonar?
Ett nytt Fukushima på gång i Nebraska?
Förundras över tystnaden i media? Lincoln håller er uppdaterade.
Bankers/Politicians vs People
Från Vidsynts blogg:
”Let’s get rid of this Euro nonsense”- Nigel Farage.
”Let’s get rid of this Euro nonsense”- Nigel Farage.
Arduino med klös
Det här måste vara det häftigaste användningsområdet av arduino hittils? För er som inte vet är arduino ett färdigt kit med allt som behövs för att få en mikroprocessor att komma till liv så enkelt som möjligt, på ett enda kort, där det enda du behöver göra är att lära dig enkel programmering i en enkel miljö som är gratis. Korten är billiga och tillåter därför arbete enligt internationell standard "friskt kopplat hälften brunnet" utan större ekonomiska förluster.
Här är den snabba arduinon (via hackaday)
Här är den snabba arduinon (via hackaday)
Identify Vancouver rioters: Facebook and Tumblr groups set up
Vancouver Police Department have put out a call for people with photos and videos of the incidents to hang on to them so they can be used to try and identify people later, and at least two Facebook pages and a Tumblr page has been set up to do just that.
torsdag 16 juni 2011
Lulzec scalps CIA
Det här kommer inte att sluta bra. Eller så får dom jobb...?
onsdag 15 juni 2011
Klarar du en bakgrundskontroll på internet/sociala media?
Jag utmanar er att radera era "fejjan"-konton. (En annan utmaning är att sluta läsa aftonbladet, expressen med flera, stäng av tv:n, man får bättre information av att tyda kaffesumpen)
Greece Bailout Prospects Darken as European Bickering Weakens Papandreou
Greek economic prospects darkened as European bickering risked delaying the next rescue payment and defections weakened Prime Minister George Papandreou’s majority.
An emergency session of euro finance chiefs in Brussels yesterday failed to break a deadlock on how to enroll investors in a second bailout without triggering a default, casting doubt on funds due from the International Monetary Fund next month.
An emergency session of euro finance chiefs in Brussels yesterday failed to break a deadlock on how to enroll investors in a second bailout without triggering a default, casting doubt on funds due from the International Monetary Fund next month.
tisdag 14 juni 2011
Smugglarna protesterar!
"For every ten cars we ran we only had [smuggled goods] in three or four to reduce the risk, but the border agents caught all of them. The accuracy was unreal!"
-chinese smuggler
-chinese smuggler
Mycket bitcoins nu, jag vet...
En konflikt i guld/silverlägren har uppstått om bitcoins. De flesta sågar det rakt av utan någon insikt i hur det fungerar, kanske också delvis på grund av den aningens religiösa stämning som råder i dessa läger, kanske på grund av okunnighet, kanske rädsla för att bitcoin ska locka mer intresse än ädelmetaller? En ensam man går dock emot hela gänget, davincij15. Man kan se på guld och silver hur man vill, men jag tycker nog davicnij15 visar lite ryggrad genom att gå emot "sina egna". Rätt eller fel, jag har alltid gillat folk som vågar gå sin egen väg. Hur lång tid ska det ta innan någon kommer på iden att börja sälja/köpa ädelmetaller för bitcoins?
måndag 13 juni 2011
Costatas silver open forum
Lång men mycket intressant artikel om silver och alla de "fakta" som cirkulerar. För den som orkar läsa så ger den välbehövliga alternativa vinklingar, och gör något jag uppskattar. Ifrågasätter.
Ted Butler (and, to be fair, many others) allege massive naked shorting on the silver Comex. Ted lays out his case here. From what I have read it appears that in Ted’s narrative this massive naked short position is held, primarily, by JP Morgan and perhaps HSBC. This is how Ted’s tale ends—the Comex shorts will be chased over the “cliff” by the longs in a massive short covering squeeze - just like these bison:
“Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump bears witness to a custom practiced by native people of the North American plains for nearly 6000 years. Thanks to their excellent understanding of topography and of bison behavior, they killed bison by chasing them over a precipice and subsequently carving up the carcasses in the camp below.”
I want to be upfront with you. I think Ted and his cohort may prove to be dead wrong, finding themselves in a role reversal falling head-first with the bison and anyone else beguiled by their story. We will return to Ted’s story a little later when we consider the lack of transparency in the silver market and why the circumstantial evidence suggests that Ted and his cohort are dead wrong.
Ted Butler (and, to be fair, many others) allege massive naked shorting on the silver Comex. Ted lays out his case here. From what I have read it appears that in Ted’s narrative this massive naked short position is held, primarily, by JP Morgan and perhaps HSBC. This is how Ted’s tale ends—the Comex shorts will be chased over the “cliff” by the longs in a massive short covering squeeze - just like these bison:
“Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump bears witness to a custom practiced by native people of the North American plains for nearly 6000 years. Thanks to their excellent understanding of topography and of bison behavior, they killed bison by chasing them over a precipice and subsequently carving up the carcasses in the camp below.”
I want to be upfront with you. I think Ted and his cohort may prove to be dead wrong, finding themselves in a role reversal falling head-first with the bison and anyone else beguiled by their story. We will return to Ted’s story a little later when we consider the lack of transparency in the silver market and why the circumstantial evidence suggests that Ted and his cohort are dead wrong.
DailyTech, Ny artikel om bitcoin, Cracking the Bitcoin: Digging Into a $131M USD Virtual Currency
Den här artikeln var väl faktiskt ganska rättvis och objektiv. Kommentera gärna, jag är nyfiken på åsikterna om bitcoins därute! Både ris och ros är välkommet.
söndag 12 juni 2011
Digital Black Friday: First Bitcoin "Depression" Hits
Artikel om bitcoins. Att läsa kommentarerna först kan ge insikt åt själva artikeln.
The War You Don’t See
"De flesta vill inte och orkar inte komma till insikt att de själva indirekt är medbrottslingar, Krigsbrottslingar"
lördag 11 juni 2011
The hoverbike, måste ses!!
Eftersom jag är tekniknörd gräver jag dagligen igenom allt jag kan hitta i form av tekniknyheter, uppfinningar, hacks etc. För att vara ärlig är det mesta upprepningar av gamla koncept, teknik mest för teknikens skull, saker byggda enbart för att imponera med teknisk kunskap eller helt enkelt bara tråkigt. En stor del är också konstruerat alldeles utan själ, enbart för att generera maximal profit. Emellanåt hittar man dock saker som skiljer sig från mängden, saker som triggar något, fantasi och uppfinnarlust kanske? Jag blir alltid mest imponerad över människor som inte låter sig begränsas, varken av andra människor, pengar eller vad som påstås vara möjligt.
Med alla dessa ord har jag nu säkert blåst upp följande prototyp för mycket, men den väckte mitt intresse. Klart värd att kolla in, och skulle ni ha en handfull dollars över så varför inte donera dom för att hjälpa killen fullfölja projektet och dessutom få chansen att bli överlägset tuffast i stan genom att vinna en? Om ni inte tycker det är lika ballt som jag så okej, jag är en hopplös nörd.
Med alla dessa ord har jag nu säkert blåst upp följande prototyp för mycket, men den väckte mitt intresse. Klart värd att kolla in, och skulle ni ha en handfull dollars över så varför inte donera dom för att hjälpa killen fullfölja projektet och dessutom få chansen att bli överlägset tuffast i stan genom att vinna en? Om ni inte tycker det är lika ballt som jag så okej, jag är en hopplös nörd.
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