söndag 19 juni 2011

Libya: Barack Obama 'overruled top legal advice'

The War Powers Resolution of 1973 states Congress must authorise participation in hostilities longer than 60 days, although the president can seek a 30-day extension.
Members of Congress have accused Mr Obama of violating that law since 20 May, when the 60-day deadline ended. Sunday marks 90 days since the US joined the Nato-led no-fly zone mission over Libya. 

In a 32-page document delivered to Congress this week, the White House said that US forces involved in the Nato campaign were merely playing a supporting role.
That role, it said, did not match the definition of "hostilities" as described under the War Powers Resolution of 1973.
"US military operations are distinct from the kind of 'hostilities' contemplated by the resolution's 60-day termination provision," it said.



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