måndag 27 juni 2011

Corporations are psychopaths - with zero degrees of empathy

Corporations play a big role in our day-to-day activities and they are constantly making decisions that have a profound effect on our daily lives. For example: a corporation makes the decision to empty its chemical vats into a nearby river - the water supply is poisoned and residents of the adjacent town fall sick; or a corporation makes the decision to cut costs to increase profits and initiates a round of layoffs - the community that was formed around the corporation is decimated. We have often been appalled, angry, and go on rants about the evil of corporations but according to Simon Baron Cohen- evil is not the issue.


For instance, we have Monsanto, creators of Agent Orange, DDT, GMO, and a host of other toxic substances that have caused horrific damage and injury to the world on a global scale (http://www.lycos.com/info/monsanto-...).

Firestone and their rubber plantations in Liberia which poison the environment, pay slave wages, and leave workers housed in unsanitary conditions (http://www.newsfromafrica.org/newsf...).

Nestle and their cocoa plantations in the Cote d'Ivoire which employs children, pays them slave wages, and keeps them living in substandard conditions (http://www.nestlecritics.org/index....).

Big Pharma and their concerted efforts to keep us purchasing medicines that either don't work or cause more harm than good (http://www.naturalnews.com/031627_s...).

How about a corporation that has been accused of murdering individuals seeking to form unions to gain fair wages and treatment (http://www.pbs.org/frontlineworld/f... ).

And we have the lovely Chiquita that was actually fined by the U.S. Justice Department for funding a known para military group in Columbia that was infamous for the murder of innocent civilians. (http://www.thenation.com/article/pa...)

Is there a criminal housed within any prison in the world or any mental institution that has committed the crimes noted above, whether the answer to that question yes or no, the fact of the matter is not one person involved in making any of the above decisions has served any jail time.

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