Debtceilingspektaklet är ett politiskt skådespel, under närmare 50 år har det höjts 70 gånger. Ignore it.
En intressant artikel som utvecklar detta vidare finns nedan. (Sluta läsa king world news och alla andra ultraguldbaggesiter, de erbjuder väldigt sällan någon sanning annat än anpassad sanning för att sälja guld.)
Already the Iraq War is expected to cost at least $4 trillion. If the U.S. Government truly has a debt problem, don’t you think our politicians should first repeal the Bust-era tax breaks for the wealthy as well as remove troops from the Middle East rather than slice away at critical programs like Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, programs that Americans have paid for?
The fact is that America has a fascist government and has for decades. Washington cares only about corporations, Wall Street and the wealthy. And when it comes to issues that matter most to the American people, such as their ability to put food on the table and access to affordable healthcare, both parties agree; they are going to screw you. They are going to whittle down your Medicare and Social Security benefits while continuing to demand you pay for these programs. Instead, this money will continue to fight wars for Israel.
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