tisdag 19 juli 2011

Din egna bubbla

Det är mycket prat om bubblor nu så det skadar inte att titta på en annan sort än en finansiell bubbla:

French designer Pierre Stephane Dumas has created a range of portable transparent huts, offering a quiet space to retreat to. The idea behind his Bubble collection was to create a temporary leisure accommodation that had the least impact on the surrounding environment, whilst also giving the impression of being amongst nature. The range includes the BubbleTree, CristalBubble, BubbleLodge and BubbleRoom, which are all suitable to spend a night in, without disturbing the natural surroundings.

"I designed this eccentric shelter with the goal to offer an unusual experience under the stars while keeping all the comfort of a bedroom suite," says Dumas. "Bubble huts are for me like an ataraxic catalyst, a place apart where getting rest, breathing and standing back".


Jag är inte helt övertygad. Jag gillar nog mer detta:


Tänk att bo i en stor rund boll av trä uppspänd i träden mitt i skogen... 

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